Saturday, December 19, 2015

Week #68 in Panama! (Departing Testimony)

Hello all!

I hope you all had a really great week this past week. I wanted to
send an email to all those who have written and supported me over this
past 18 months to say THANK YOU!

Thank you for all of your love, support, and confidence in me. Thank
your for your uplifting and encouraging words. Thank you for always
being there to put a smile on my face every Monday. Thank you for your
shining examples to me of true and loyal friends and family members.
Thank you for everything!

As my mission comes to an end, I wanted to share my testimony of the
gospel of Jesus Christ with all of you. During my time here in Panamá,
teaching Panamanians and Kunas and Columbians and so many other people
with so many different backgrounds, I have gained such a strong
testimony of the love that our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ
have for each and every one of us. I know without a shadow of a doubt
that they both know us personally. They know our struggles and
challenges, they know our fears and regrets, and they know our peace
and joy. And because they know us so perfectly, they want nothing more
than to help us in this life. Our Heavenly Father sent His son here to
suffer for us and to atone for our sins so that He could come to
understand us perfectly and so that we would have the chance to
repent, change, and become more like Him. He also sent His son to
teach us. He taught us the one and true gospel, His gospel. He taught
us about faith, repentance, baptism by immersion, the gift of the Holy
Ghost, and what it means to endure to the end. He established His one
true church on the earth. I know that He did, and I know that many
many years later, the prophet Joseph Smith was called to restore His
one true church again upon the earth. I know that Joseph Smith was
called of God and I know that today we still have a living prophet,
President Thomas S. Monson, who continues to guide and direct this
church through priesthood power and revelation. I know that the
Chrurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the one true church on
this earth because it is the only church that contains the fulness of
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that Our Heavenly Father has a
perfect plan for us as we follow the gospel and that through that
plan, we can have the promise of being with our families, together,
for all of eternity. Death has no power. I know these things with all
of my soul, heart and mind and I share them with all of you in the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Hermana Anderson

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